Are you looking for interactive learning structures that will help your students gain a deeper understanding of content while also developing and practicing higher level thinking skills? The Hot Seat is a strategy I’ve used successfully across disciplines with 3rd and 4th grade students. I borrowed it from Jeffrey Wilhelm, a well-known secondary level literacy educator, and modified it for use with elementary students.
The basic idea is that a student plays the role of a character (from a book, from history, or any topic they know well) and takes questions from an audience of classmates. For instance, during a unit in which each student chose an animal to research and study, they took turns on the hot seat “being” their animal and answering questions about their adaptations, survival strategies, and so on. The hot seat technique is great for exploring characters’ motivations. For example, when we read Skeleton Man, we put the character “Molly” on the hot seat and asked her “Why did you keep coming back to your so-called-uncle’s house when your gut told you he wasn’t your uncle?”
I found this structure to be a great way to get students to dig deeper and think about what they were learning. It provided opportunities for students to hone their skill at questioning, making inferences, and supporting opinions with evidence from the text. Plus, it was fun and engaging for the child on the hot seat and for the audience.
However, to use this strategy successfully, you’ll need to lay some groundwork first. Here are some things to consider:
I’d love to hear about interactive learning structures you use in your classroom and what makes them work!
The Language of Learning: Teaching Students Core Thinking, Listening, & Speaking Skills provides practical strategies for teaching essential communication skills such as asking thoughtful questions and giving high-quality answers; backing up opinions with reasons and evidence; and agreeing and disagreeing respectfully.
Interactive Modeling: A Powerful Technique for Teaching Children provides step-by-step guidance on how to teach skills, routines, and procedures quickly and efficiently. Includes practical tips, real-life examples, and sample lessons and scripts.
Tracy Mercier is a Responsive Classroom consultant. She has taught grades three, four, and five in diverse classrooms in Connecticut and Massachusetts.