Engaging academics are one of the four domains of the Responsive Classroom approach. Engaging academics consist of the practices teachers use to design and deliver high-quality, rigorous, and engaging instruction.
Teachers make academics engaging when they make sure learning is pedagogically sound with a lesson design that allows for the natural learning cycle, design lessons around learning objectives so learning is purposeful and meaningful, and set high expectations for students by continuously and appropriately challenging students.
It’s January, and you notice that over the break your students seem to have forgotten all the routines they had been practicing since the start of the school year. Students ...
It’s midway through the school year and you notice one of your students has fallen into a pattern of missing work and struggling on tests and quizzes. You know it’s ...
At the start of the school year, as new classroom communities are forming, teachers begin planning ways to connect and form relationships with new students. By the middle of the ...