Two Quick, Fun Class Celebrations

Two Quick, Fun Class Celebrations

Looking for a quick, fun way for your class to celebrate an accomplishment? Here are two ideas:

Give This Group a Hand

Students stand in a circle and chant:

We’re gonna give . . . this . . . group a hand.
We’re gonna give this group a hand. (Clap twice)
We’re gonna give . . . this . . . group a hand.
We’re gonna give this group a hand. (Clap twice)
So raise your hands up in the air, (Raise hands)
And pat your neighbor . . . right there. (Pat neighbors’ shoulders)

Circle of Hands

Each person puts their right hand into the middle of the circle and makes a fist with their thumb extended to the left.

Then, everyone connects hands: Each fist grasps the thumb of the person to the right.

Holding this circle of hands, the class chants, “We are a class that helps each other!” three times, then raises their hands into the air, breaking them apart.

Find more celebration ideas in Closing Circles: 50 Activities for Ending the Day in a Positive Way.

Tags: Movement