Discipline Strategies for the End of the Year

Discipline Strategies for the End of the Year

For students, spring is an energizing time of the school year. The days are getting longer and the weather is warming up, conjuring the possibilities of summer break. Students who are graduating are starting to prepare for their transition to a new school. It is a time of excitement and impending change. Because all this extra energy can spill over into the classroom and disrupt students’ learning, the end of March is an ideal time to check back in with your current discipline strategies and assess what will be most effective for the final stretch of the year.

Below you will find articles on a variety of strategies for responding to misbehavior, including logical consequences, positive time-out, positive teacher language, role-play, and problem-solving conferences, as well as advice on responding to defiance in the moment and helping students refocus on academics. You will also find books and Quick Coaching Guides that offer a more extensive look at these practices. We hope these resources can support you as you strengthen and update your own approach to discipline so it meets the needs of your students during the final stretch of the school year.

Recommended Reading

Further Resources

Interested in a more comprehensive look at Responsive Classroom discipline strategies? These books and Quick Coaching Guides have everything you need:

Now is a great time to start preparing your students for an ending to the school year that is both productive and joyful. Begin today by proactively assessing what discipline strategies will be effective with your students during the final months of the school year.

Ted Powers is an editor for Responsive Classroom.