
Date: September 3, 2020
Time: 4:00 pm EST
Length: 90 minutes

As we transform our classrooms to adapt to COVID-19 safety requirements, we must be especially mindful about creating equitable environments in which students feel safe, known, and included. Maintaining a classroom environment that keeps students and their academic, social, and emotional needs at the forefront means thoughtfully identifying and carefully teaching skills that will help to sustain student success.

Interactive Modeling and role-plaIdentifying and Teaching Skills to Sustain Inclusivey support the diverse needs of all students and help paint a clear picture of skills, routines, and expectations for success. These practices use key elements of effective teaching to engage students and model skills that lead to their achieving greater and longer-lasting success.

Key takeaways:

  • Explore the key characteristics of classroom organization for engaged learning in the Responsive Classroom approach through the lens of social distancing requirements
  • Learn strategies to teach expectations for movement and use of materials in the classroom through Interactive Modeling, visual cues, and teacher language
  • Identify ways to ensure classrooms are culturally representative
  • Connect with other educators and Responsive Classroom experts to discuss barriers and potential solutions


Meet the Presenters

Jane CofieJane Cofie

Jane was an elementary general education teacher in Fairfax County, Virginia, for 19 years and is currently a curriculum and instructional designer for Center for Responsive Schools. She received her bachelor’s degree in English and later went on to pursue a master’s in teaching at the University of Richmond. She has taught pre-K through fifth grade in private and public school settings in both suburban and urban areas.


Dr. Joe TilleyJoe Tilley

Joe is currently a curriculum and instructional designer and educational consultant with Center for Responsive Schools. He received his bachelor of science from Middle Tennessee State University, master of science from the University of Memphis, and doctor of education from Middle Tennessee State University. He has taught special education in kindergarten through eighth grade in various metropolitan districts, including Memphis, Atlanta, and Nashville.