I wrote last week about things you can do to ease classroom stress during testing and other high-anxiety times. Here are three more tips for keeping the atmosphere of your classroom calm and productive!
A fun, energetic recess can be a great way for children to let off steam after a whole morning of sitting. However, testing followed by unmanaged recess can implode into arguments, fights, and general chaos. Here are some strategies for making recess go well during testing times:
There’s nothing like a really engaging read-aloud to help cut stress and help a class relax. Choose a suspenseful story to keep a class riveted, or a funny one to loosen things up. Whether you read between testing times, after recess, or at the end of the day, a good story can work wonders!
Finish off your day with a positive and energetic closing circle to celebrate the hard work that everyone is putting in. Here are a few ideas to try:
The group stands together in a circle, with everybody’s arms pointing straight into the middle. The group begins to say and hold the sound “Ma-a-a-a-a-a-. . . ,” until at a nod of your head, they all quickly pull back their hands while forming fists, bending their elbows back and cheering together loudly, “Zinga!!! “
You can explain that everyone contributes positive energy to the group during “Ma,” and at “Zinga” everyone grabs some of that good feeling to take home for the night. (“Ma Zinga!” is one of 88 quick movement activities featured in Energizers! by Susan Lattanzi Roser.)
And as always, make sure you take care of yourself during testing—the more relaxed you feel, the calmer your students will be too! Good luck!
Mike Anderson is a Responsive Classroom consultant and author of several books, including three in the What Every Teacher Needs to Know series.