Morning Meeting is a particular and deliberate way to begin the day in elementary school in which all classroom members—grown-ups and students—gather in a circle, greet each other, and listen and respond to each other’s news. Morning Meeting is made up of four sequential components: greeting, sharing, group activity, and morning message. The components intentionally provide opportunities for students to practice the skills of greeting, listening and responding, group problem-solving, and noticing and anticipating. Morning Meeting is also a great opportunity to practice academic skills.
Dear Valued Community, The National Assessment Governing Board, the independent, nonpartisan board that sets policy for the Nation’s Report Card (NAEP), recently released the results from the 2024 assessment for ...
It’s January, and you notice that over the break your students seem to have forgotten all the routines they had been practicing since the start of the school year. Students ...
At the start of the school year, as new classroom communities are forming, teachers begin planning ways to connect and form relationships with new students. By the middle of the ...