Over the weekend, a friend shared a video with me that you may have seen as well, as it has been widely shared on social media. The video was taken in a neighborhood in Naples, Italy, a country that is currently under national quarantine. Despite that restriction, the residents of this neighborhood have all gone out onto their respective balconies to sing together in an act of collaboration and togetherness. A caption for the video explains that the sing-along started with just a few people, but soon others joined, then others, then people began drumming on pots and pans to accompany the melody. The unity captured in this video is a reminder that our collective need for belonging, significance, and fun are truly essential. Regardless of circumstance, humans are social beings who always find ways to connect with others.
It is no surprise, then, that as educators have begun taking on the task of moving their classrooms online, the question that we have been asked most frequently is: How can we continue to hold Morning Meeting or Responsive Advisory Meeting with students virtually?
Center for Responsive Schools is here to support you in this transition. Below are a few ideas and tips to get you started. We will continue to use our blog posts to provide you with resources, and we also encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, where you can share your ideas and gather more ideas from others in our community. We’re all in this together.
How you conduct a virtual Morning Meeting or Responsive Advisory Meeting will depend on your unique set of circumstances, including what resources are available to students and teachers. However, here are some general considerations:
Whether you’re using a video platform or a chat platform to connect with students, here are some options to get you started, along with some ideas you can try out right away!
Greetings and Activities can be found in The Morning Meeting Book.