“Rules provide a foundation on which we can build a classroom community and give children guidance about behavior expectations. In my experience, by cocreating rules with students, you will add the power of student investment in the rules. Children who have worked together to create their rules will believe in the rules, and they will want to follow them as well as help each other follow them.”
Dear Valued Community, The National Assessment Governing Board, the independent, nonpartisan board that sets policy for the Nation’s Report Card (NAEP), recently released the results from the 2024 assessment for ...
It’s January, and you notice that over the break your students seem to have forgotten all the routines they had been practicing since the start of the school year. Students ...
At the start of the school year, as new classroom communities are forming, teachers begin planning ways to connect and form relationships with new students. By the middle of the ...
First Weeks of SchoolInteractive ModelingPositive Teacher LanguageReminding, Redirecting, and Reinforcing LanguageRule CreationTeacher LanguageThe First Weeks of School