Purple Soup: A Morning Meeting Singing Activity

Purple Soup: A Morning Meeting Singing Activity

Group activities that take place during Morning Meeting get everyone in the class involved. This participation allows students to create meaningful connections with each other and build a positive classroom community. Although short and often fast-paced, Morning Meeting group activities also provide opportunities for students to practice crucial social skills like listening, following directions, and exercising self-control.


Choosing Morning Meeting Activities

It is important to get to know your students so you can choose activities that will engage, not just entertain them. Selecting age-appropriate activities and varying the types of activities you introduce will ensure all students are included and feel a sense of belonging.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Determine how much time you have and choose activities accordingly.
  2. Consider incorporating students’ learning objectives for the day.
  3. Select activities that are inclusive of all and focus on cooperation instead of competition.
  4. Invite students to adapt the activities they have practiced.


An image of the Morning Meeting group activity song called Purple Soup

Free Morning Meeting Group Activity Printable

Purple Soup is a silly “join-in” song that gets kids moving and interacting with each other. It is ideal for for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade students. You can adapt it in many ways throughout the year to keep it fresh and fun. Download the Purple Soup group activity here.


Need More Ideas?

Get eighty new ideas for Morning Meeting greetings, sharings, group activities, and morning messages to use in your classroom with 80 Morning Meeting Ideas for Grades K–2.



Tags: Building Classroom Community, Engaging Academics, Morning Meeting